Looks like we found resistance.
Now Lets see if we are able to consolidate or face slow downtrend where all the enthusiast will buybuy.
You are calling this way too soon.
We have a little bit of price stagnation for a couple of days and you are calling that "resistance?"
if you had never noticed, BTC price action is frequently with periods of high activity and lulls for a couple of days or more.... there will be movements and corrections... and really we remain on an upward trajectory, for the moment, even though currently, we are experiencing a kind of lull.. and all of this on relatively mediocre trade volume.
Furthermore, sometimes on the weekend there will be a lull in BTC trading action for 1 or 2 days, and I am not sure if this lull is on purpose, but it does make sense to potentially preserve some of your battle capital (fiat in your trading account) until towards the end of the weekend rather than attempting to blow it all early in the weekend. At the end of the weekend, you have a pretty decent sense of your own quantity of fiat and you have a pretty decent sense that quite a few others will be able to come in with weekday reinforcements of additional fiat.
So essentially, we are in a bit of a wait and see period regarding the price direction and regarding whether there is going to be significant resistance at $600. At the moment, I am not recognizing $600 resistance as being considerable.. but yeah we could be in for some major surprises if some whales are holding hidden BTC and want to risk selling at this price.
Based on recent BTC price performance and the level of trade volume (seems fairly mediocre), which to me means that this price trend could carry fairly easily into the upper $600s without a lot of effort, and may even carry into the upper $700s before any kind of meaningful battle may begin....
I would be considerably surprised if we were to travel passed $800 on this run without some kind of significant price battle (and correction), and we all know what is fairly likely to happen once we get significantly into the $800s..... (FOMO, new ATH... blah blah blah) so I am fairly certain that bears, financial shills and even some governmental entities would want to put up a decent attempt at resisting to prevent BTC prices from getting that high... although some of them may be so fucking distracted by ETH and "blockchain" bullshit that they do not recognize the actual power of the real BTC infrastructure that has been created.. got a lot of developers and investors to thank for that.. in spite of the previous XT/Classical sabotage efforts...