1) not every time I buy btc just when it happens which is not often and only twice out of the dozens of transactions that occurred in the last couple of months. The first one was a payment where the sender for some reason used a standard fee on a transaction that was ~20 bigger than normal for whatever reason. This time it took 3 blocks for the fee stated which as I said means people are actually using btc because this indicated to me that it was not "spam" transactions that were filling the blocks. Yes btc actually gets used and I actually find it useful not merely speculative.
Fair enough. It surely does seem like fees and transaction times are going to be a bit of an ongoing moving target, and a lot of us are continuing to learn through our experiences about this. Yes, likely a growing pain of bitcoin, and it's possible that down the road newbies to bitcoin are going to receive more hand-holding, though that may still be quite a ways down the road, because even within bitcoin there remain a lot of various user interfaces and developers who are continuing to attempt to build better and more compelling interfaces.... even within some big player production, there's ongoing and continued innovation - take for example, Coinbase recently announcing that it is going to begin to exchange ether and litecoin and to rebrand itself... Yeah, coinbase is a pretty big player, and they are still trying to find themselves exactly in terms of what they offer and their interface with worldwide customers, including adding additional countries and offerings.
2) I don't believe I get chicken little excited about it, don't know how you came to that conclusion. I merely state facts with what I believe is little to no spin. Just because I am involved in the coin of my signature (unpaid it is) doesn't mean I will try to put btc in a negative light.
Maybe I am exaggerating the intent of your post a little bit, but I did get the sense that on more than one occasion you seemed to be overly anxious to post about your transaction and then to have higher than necessary expectations and then seemingly jump to various conclusions based on what I would consider to be higher than necessary expectations that were a long a theme that others seemed to be playing as well. I.e asserting blocks are too full, the transactions are taking too much time, the fees are too much (and difficult to determine)...
So my assertion regarding chicken little is that it seems unnecessary to get overly excited and even with incomplete information.
3) BJA my "butty"? Don't believe I ever engaged him. Could be wrong about that. Right, wrong or spin I must admit I did like his postings.
I wasn't claiming that you actually were engaging with him, but if your posts were along the same lines as his I was at least suggesting some kind of symbiotic connection
4) You have inspired me to make a longer and more detailed post tah is usual for me.
Welcome to the wall of text club.