OT - but who ever gives a shit about that.
There's a remarkably similar bear in a rental shop in Whistler, BC, and for a minute I thought you were there - Whistler is one of my favourite places on this big blue ball of dirt that we call home. Then I saw the sign on the bear and realised, close but no cigar.
My first snowboard (and boots and some other stuff) was funded by selling all of the BTC I mined with my trusty old PC. Ahhh, those were the days...
If only I had waited a few more months, I would have been able to sell all of them to fund the entire trip
... and ...
If only I had waited a year and a bit more, I might have been able to sell all of them and buy a nice cabin near Dustys Bar @ Creekside.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
You a boarder, or skier Adam?