How secure should the network be? What's the sweet spot between cost and security?
The 'optimum' network security level is a variable that should increase with an increase in network value, since it is safe-guarding more as value increases.
We're currently paying ~10% of the network's worth, per year, to secure it. In other words, we're paying $1 to store $10 for a year.
1. Is this optimal?
2. If a bank charged you 10%, yearly, to store your money, would you use it?
... you've conflated the issuance of scarce tokens, that will be in circulation in perpetuity facilitating all future transactions, with the cost of securing of the network.
Cost of issuing tokens, you say? OK, I'll rephrase:
Would you use a bank which charged you 10% of your balance, yearly, to secure your money & print 'USDtokens' (which it would distribute to people other than yourself)?
Your arguments are that of the utmost moot. I cackle in automated response to the disgustingly misleading filth that you spew. USD inflation yearly % + FED rates about to be hiked + TAXES + being an eternal slave to central banky's debt + limitless bank fees to use their toilet paper jew confetti = Much higher than 10%. The 10% rate you conjured up with your fear pr0n witchcraft, I might add.
Nothing conjured about the 10+% yearly BTC inflation -- 25 BTC is printed out of thin air every block. These blocks are mined at a rate faster than 1 every 10 minutes. You do the math.
Regarding taxes, banks don't charge those, governments do. You wouldn't know that -- you don't pay taxes. Because on the dole, you stupid skinhead hick
Again, your ignorance is strikingly that of a monkey that stumbled into your crack stash. The Fed's income comes primarily from the interest on government securities that it has acquired...
http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/about_12799.htmgov·ern·ment se·cu·ri·ties
bonds or other promissory certificates issued by the government.
DEFINITION of 'Government Security'
A bond (or debt obligation) issued by a government authority, with a promise of repayment upon maturity that is backed by said government. A government security may be issued by the government itself or by one of the government agencies.
These securities are considered low-risk, since they are backed by the taxing power of the government.
http://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/governmentsecurity.aspHow is the Federal Reserve System structured?
The Federal Reserve System was designed to give it a broad perspective on the economy and on economic activity in all parts of the nation. It is a federal system, composed of a central, independent governmental agency--the Board of Governors--in Washington, D.C., and 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, located in major cities throughout the nation.
http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/about_12593.htmTry once more, you illiterate filth spewing ignoramus. The note one is forced to use via banks, is forcibly under a penance as soon as it is created. Show me where Bitcoin forces each hodler to pay someone 10% a year of the stash.