So you think a larger part of the budget should go to social programs?
Refreshing to see someone with a social conscience in here.
Just imagine if Obamination's bailout of big banking and motorcade was instead, distributed equally among every legal citizen. Imagine if all of Bush Jr's war dollars were instead used to build the best charter schools in the history of the modern era. Imagine if the financing we have been giving to 'moderate rebels' for almost two decades now, was given to every person that agreed to give an allocated amount of their time back to their local communties. Imagine if we did not have a societal structure based on cost efficiency and waste, yet instead based on longevity and innovation. Imagine, if you will, America did not incarcerate non violent offenders; Instead, taught them how to start businesses, manage equity, and flourish in a proactive society. We would be kicking China's ass right now. Instead, we are lagging behind in dozens of aspects in human evolution, societal advancement, and encourage repression in our main stream media and politically correct fear-filth.
I don't support free loading. I support worldwide opportunistic equality. Yes, equality can be had with still being able to capitalize on your strong points. When the system is set up for failure from the beginning, it needs to be washed away and reordered. The new world order is coming, although it will not be the NWO movement the cabal are thirsting for.
This is what I don't get. What you're describing is fairly close to a well-functioning welfare state. A system where people are given opportunities. What's the point of painting it in this right wing hue?
Take fiat out of the situation. Become a bartering civilization. The 'welfare state' problem will dissolve much more than it currently is enacted. I understand that what I described can be related to a welfare state situation, albeit connecting stretched dots. The fact that fiat exists at all will always have our civilizations in some sort of 'welfare state'. Do we not live in a welfare state now? I for one do not appreciate my tax dollars going to fund a mob style gestapo that loves to finance 'moderate rebels' and push fear porn down our throats. All of this while nonchalantly giving away all of our hard earned taxed income to couch loathing dirt bags. Our country has turned into that of a joke. The fact that living on welfare you can currently make more than a teacher in 11 states is an absolute insult to working Americans.
Indeed, in 11 states, welfare pays more than the average pre-tax first-year wage for a teacher. In 39 states it pays more than the starting wage for a secretary. And, in the three most generous states, a person on welfare can take home more money than an entry-level computer programmer., in a society where everyone is trained to be well educated, business minded, money cautious, community prospering, and product longevity driven, would you still feel like you're living in a 'welfare state'? We outsource our assembly to sweatshops, and pay ass hats to sit on the couch and soak up fear porn on their tax paying citizen 'cable television'.
Hey, you might want to check your national news networks, your freedom is showing.