Ballooning difficulty
Nov 24 2015, 72,722,780,643 +10.44%
Estimated Next Difficulty: 80,247,935,027 +10.35%
Adjust time: After 1945 Blocks, About 13.1 days
Translation for non-miners: Mining profitability fell by 10.35%. Due for another fall in 13.1 days
Wrong, try again.
100% right. Feel free to point out my errors. Show your work.
*Actually, 10.35% is the drop is in gross revenue (coins mined). Drop in profit (or increase in loss) is far more substantial.
The price of BTC went up from $235 to $325 and all the new miners are far more power efficient. You could argue that there was a loss in profitability for the network in that particular round of 2016 Blocks, but the previous rounds saw massive increases in profitability. And the loss would not be by 10.35%, because the network is also more power efficient now. If you meant from one day to another then, sure. But then it's worth mentioning that any increase in efficiency and BTC price between now and the next difficulty adjustment will lead to increased profitability which the difficulty adjustment will have to detract from before overall profitability goes down that round.
What will be interesting to see is if the mining industry can build up a wider margin of profitability before the halving, or if it will keep pushing the limits until a large portion is instantly unprofitable. I fear a lot of them is hoping the BTC price is magically going to do it for them and they might get smacked in the face.
Anyhew, didn't mean to get in the way of your trolling.
Carry on.
PS: If you really want to stir up some FUD you can look at how the large majority of mining power is controlled in China. That means that if the Chinese government sat down and made some phone calls, like they did with exchanges in 2013, they can compromise the integrity of the entire Blockchain. Trustless what, what?
Edit:, F2Pool, BTCC pool and BW are chinese.