Kikes outsmarted us, and aren't traitors to their race ('nepotism'), so secured places at the top for 'their kind' & we can't compete. But we ...are still better, right?
Why couldn't we rig shit in our favor? WTF is wrong with us, fellow ubermensch?
No such thing as better per se. Only better adapted for a certain environment, or indeed worse adapted. Whatever the nature of a particular form of evolutionary selection, i.e. Judaism consciously marrying wealth with intellect, or the slave trade ensuring that only the most physically strong specimens survived the crossing, and the slave owners then choosing to breed only the strongest specimens in the same way as a cattle famer would selectively breed.
Don't see what there is to get all morally self-righteous about. If it is the reality of the situation, then just accept it. People are all different and genetics matter, and if genetics matter, then so to does race.