I believe Bitcoin will serve as Digital gold it will always be around since it was first.
Will we use BTC for day to day purchases? ....no.
We will use another blockchain based coin that is more common than BTC and less costly to mine
BTC will always carry that intrinsic value since it was first.
There is no purpose for bitcoin to be digital gold if another blockchain is widely used. That blockchain will turn out to be the true digital gold.
hmm, just like 8 track and casette tape still have value....
New tech replaces old tech all the time.
Bitcoin needs to continually advance and expand in order to maintain its primacy, the arguements over block size just indicate how difficult that will be.
The major advantage Bitcoin enjoys at the moment is that a lot of the competition with big money (ie banks) are spending their time on how they can use the tech to create walled gardens, and are completely ignoring the lessons of Aol and Compuserve. This buys bitcoin another 18 months to get its shit together, but if it carries on as it is someone will implement an alternative that does everything bitcoin does and more and get it adopted by a major payments/transaction management/logistics company or six.