Twas a margin call whale ballet like I've never seen on finex today... hory shet. Has all the other exchanges scared shitless too, and why not... scary fork happenings, over-levered bulls, the bitcoin fora becoming like north korea... Perfect. Looks like a classic capitulation, except the volume was not anything like January, not good. Either you're getting a sale right now, or this is the preview for the double digit extravaganza sale. Shows it never hurts to have some lowball bids sitting on the books. Wish I knew. But then I wouldn't tell you.
I am seeing some despair-ish comments around. That's usually not a bad time to pad a stash. As ever, there are some pros in this market with the funds to make it happen. I wonder what his shorts executed at on the exit, he definitely didn't get much in the 160's
while covering. I'm sure they're not complaining. What a day... being long I took a nice hit, but I have cold stuff I'll hodl to the very end, there isn't another market like it.