This fork is about bigger blocks, right now. Why keep pushing straw man arguments? It's not the last update to the Bitcoin protocol. It's not the final version of the Bitcoin protocol.
There is no straw man here. It's attacking the fundamental rationale behind what is happening.
2 devs saw that BTC should go another way regarding one of its parameters and they forked it. If they can do that, why not do the same for some other parameter, as they see fit?
For the sake of argument I am willing to accept that those are slippery slope arguments, but it's still not what's being proposed. And that seems to be quite common among those who oppose XT.
Poster earlier said "we need faster btc, not 10 minutes BTC".
Andersen and Hearn said "we need bigger btc, not 1mb BTC"
Next thing you know, a guy who doesn't follow protocol, just like Andersen and Hearn did, forks it in favor of 2x - 5x faster transactions and claims all the other guys are cripple coiners for insisting on a time limit that is slow and that can't rival visa. He proclaims that speed is a necessary element for getting wide adoption and that otherwise we'll be favoring payment processors that can take 0-conf transactions - so we really NEED these lower conf. times.
See how good it sounds? But these populist appeals to bigger-better-faster are bullshit.
If you ask anyone whether they want a bitcoin that can transact faster or be able to cope with more transactions, they will all say yes. Why wouldn't they? But there are very good technical reasons why we don't currently have 10mb blocks, or a high block frequency, or zero fees, or or or.
For most people these technical reasons are elusive, and that means that their decision in favor of a "better" bitcoin can be heavily influenced due to all those factors that they ignore.
So let's just leave the actual devs that know how BTC works, and that perform very thorough analyses on how it'll work out if they change key parameters, to decide the next development steps of BTC.