I think we are over focusing on the current price - we know at the top most of it is speculation but if you look at the bottom the story is still very bullish if you are slowly buying a little regularly at the daily price.
below are 2 charts. they track the lowest price in a year from 2012.
the first assumes the $177 2015 bottom will prove to be a genuine bottom.
the second that if big whales has not intervened it would have gone to $60.
I have made factors that are not very mathematically good but work crudely enough to be useful for me.
they show that
1. if $60 was the bottom and I buy now at $270 the bottom in 2017 will still be higher (at $360) and even in 2016 the bottom will still be quite good (at $146).
2. if $177 was the true bottom then buying now at $270 the bottom may be way higher (at $626) in one year (2016)
I see those numbers as very bullish compared to other things people can invest in (shares etc) as well as supporting the idea of bitcoin.
Year Expected Lowest price Factor Actual Minus is underestimation
2012 $4 $4
2013 $14 3.537 $13 8.83%
2014 $50 3.537 $302 -83.43%
2015 $177 3.537 $177 0.00%
2016 $626 3.537
2017 $2,214
Year Expected Lowest price Factor Actual Minus is Underestimation
2012 $4 $4
2013 $10 2.46 $13 -24.31%
2014 $24 2.46 $302 -91.98%
2015 $60 2.46 $60 -0.75%
2016 $146 2.46
2017 $360 2.46