That is my point, the VC investors of Circle and Coinbase must not be interested so much in bitcoin as they are in the fiat-to-fiat service. That market is MUCH larger than bitcoin-to-fiat or fiat-to-bitcoin.
You were too subtle. I really thought that you were finally seeing the light.
The first point nods to the trojan horse. Bitcoin doesn't need to market itself when its competition is run by heavily indebted governments who have shown time and time again their inability to manage economies. In dramatic cases the currency is devalued overnight, sometimes a slow bleed, sometimes more abrupt. A $150-250 bitcoin over months can seem fine and dandy in these circumstances.
As long as the option is there, it is a huge coup. Establish tunnels through the current walls.
Price-wise? If there is no interest in these two securities going up soon, I would say things go south for a while. Try to find the marginal cost of mining a bitcoin? The most important part is that the network continues to function, time heals all wounds. I would be more assured if we could scale up tx per block sometime soon.