Wow. Consider me speechless, and now very angry.
Thank heavens I don't live in the USA.
Land of the free? Yep, highest incarceration rate in the world, mostly for minor herb offenses and/or political stances that run counter to the military-industrial complex and their chosen enterprises.
Home of the brave? More like home of the militarily emboldened, who are as happy abusing their own populace as meddling in the affairs of other sovereign states.
What kind of worthless regime cares more about the military than public health care?
I wouldn't care and would just put the USA on my list of countries never to visit except I have family there and I worry for their lives and freedom.
Also, I lived there for a half year back in 1968 when it still was basically a free country and it saddens me to see how low it has sunk. Pity.
I will give half of what I own, if the USA is restored to even the level of freedom it enjoyed in 1968.
- No money laundering laws (you had some control over your financial privacy, comparable to physical reality so that you have a reasonable assurance that you are shot only if you first do it to others; the same reason it used to be safe to encounter cops or anyone else on the streets despite that many carried lethal force).
- No legislation on substances or food (you had control over what to eat and how)
- No legislation on firearms. (They exist to keep the government in control, so the government has amassed more weapons that the entire rest of the world to keep its own citizens in control - scared, or what? Libya is a rare example of a country to have disbanded its military because it did not have anything to fear from its citizens. <- Was. )
Divine intervention does not count. In this case 100% of my wealth is reaffirmed to belong to God.