But Mercs, Porshes and Ferraris will be a lot cheaper now. As long as you buy more of them, Im sure Europeans wont mind too much!!
There you go. I'm pretty sure you've just solved the ongoing Greek economic crisis! Just have Italy and Germany tell Greece that they can choose to be either a province of Italy or a state of Germany. Then when ppl buy Italian sports cars or German luxury cars w/ their BTC profits, it will help their nation. So which is it, Greeks, will you be Italians now or will you become German? If you're bullish enough on BTC, I think you better learn to cook a mean lasagna!
OT warning!! :-)
Under monetary union, the dream was kinda like what you described, but in practice ( like communism) it just doesnt work. The greeks expanded their economy. But instead of investing their gains locally, they exported their money to germany ( to buy BMW's) When they started to run out of money, they borrowed it - from the germans!! And wha did they do with this money? Bought more german luxury goods. At least if they had their own currency, it would have tanked (as they ran out of it), and made for some investment opportunities for the germans in Greece (inflow of funds), but with the euro, they didnt even get this opportunity.
And while greeks starve, Draghi is now going to PRINT a few billion euro to buy what? Bank bonds. From banks that caused most of the issues in the fist place.