^Stop spinning this web of lies & just admit you're a liar, liar!
Edit re. boldface: I never reported any of your crap to moderators, you're nowhere as relevant as you think.
Sure, it was probably just a moderator with not much else to do that picked my picture out of the shitstorm of crude and demeaning posts to delete on their own initiative. Right
I think we all have a pretty good idea of who's lying
If I can prove that I didn't report you & you're just being your lying paranoid fagit self, will you publicly admit to your faggotry & never post here again, liar?
What's wrong, lying liar, got cold feets?
lel, someones got their panties in a bunch. Can't take the heat huh?
Resorting to transgenderphobic jokes, Bitcoin paedophile? You ain't got no scruples at all, do you, lying pervert?