Directly... at this point in time.... very little.
Indirectly... a lot.
I am not sat here with my cock in hand hoping for a financial crash in hopes of escaping capital outflows benefiting BTC, because well at this point in time I do not see it happening.
However, there is an increasing possibility no matter how the current situation pans out, that we may see capital controls put in place (not just in greece either) due to the situation in Greece. there is a perfect storm scenario where the Greece leaves the union, and the ECB declare they will not provide temporary liquidity to cover the capital flight from greece. In fact there is the scenario where even if it does not go that far, the billions of euros a week that are currently leaving the greek banking system, continues and accelerates, even without a grexit. Basically capital controls could be put in place, and directly at this point in time, the effect for BTC will be very little.. but, it will be yet another exhibition of capital controls, and even if the greeks are not thinking about it, others will be.
So if the Swiss unpeg was the first canary in the mine.... perhaps Greece is our second canary..
Plus also BTC does not operate in a vacuum anymore than Greece or Europe does... as I said earlier if Greece leaves it is relevant to most, and certainly to anything to do with the economy/investments etc. I have posted on here in the past about my view of how BTC may be impacted by a (medium sized) financial crisis.