Yup. The hypocrisy of people complaining about bear trolls when those same people were calling for 100k per bitcoin back during the last major run-up gets pretty old after a while.
So spending time on a BITCOIN forum talking about how great it is is the same as spending time on a BITCOIN forum talking about how crap it is and how stupid bitcoiners are?
Don't get me wrong. I don't need an echo chamber in here, but I tend to distinguish between trolls and enthusiasts.
I think you misread my post, so allow me to clarify for you: I did not say "people who talk about how great bitcoin is." I said "those same people were calling for 100k per bitcoin."
Can you see the difference between "I love bitcoin, bitcoin is great" and "OMFG BUY BUY BUY BITCOIN TO 100k! WHAT RETARD IS SELLING RIGHT NOW WE'RE AT 700 AND GOING UP UP UP!"
If you say nothing but the former, then sure, get pissed when someone responds with "bitcoin fucking sucks you stupid asshole go die in a fire." But if you spammed the latter during the huge rise -- which have always historically preceded big drops -- you can't be mad when someone goes "DOWN DOWN DOWN BITCOIN TO 10!" in the middle of a plummet. Well, you can, but you'd be an enormous hypocrite.
Think about it: both sides know they're full of shit and cannot even come close to guaranteeing their assertions, but they will speak as if their opinion is absolutely infallible and inevitable. Ultimately, I think that is okay. IMO it's fine to bullshit. I mean, if you shorted, for example, you obviously think price is going down, so all you're doing by calling for $10 bitcoins is being hyperbolic (nobody can reasonably expect $10 bitcoins in the next month or two, just like nobody could reasonable expect 100k coins within a couple of months when we are at 900).
Hyperbole doesn't annoy me, but hypocrisy does -- in this case, bullshitting, then getting mad when someone bullshits from the opposite side.
Not to say that there are no bear trolls -- I imagine a lot of them are prodding with sticks to gauge sentiment rather than straight-up getting paid -- but yeah no doubt there definitely are. But if you truly believe in bitcoin, and still strongly believe it's going to skyrocket, you would be patient and wait for that to happen so you can laugh in their faces about it. The fact that people respond so caustically to the trolls -- whereas during the bull market they were laughed off -- tells you something about the changing sentiment and lingering doubt, which
could mean there is still a ways to go as that doubt turns into despair when those final bulls turn bear.