No telling how bad off the permabulls would be in this war without General William Joseph Allen to guide them.
"Four punch raiders, incoming! Prepare the counterattack!"
nanobrain's sniping about people making her sick and ruining people's loves is small potatoes.
Too right, this IS a financial war on the facist forces that are seeking to enslave humanity to their broken fiat monetary system for their own power.
The current system is shovelling wealth and earnings out of the lower and middle classes to the very top of the pyramid at a rate never seen before in history. It is brazenly destructive and real people are getting hurt on a scale never seen before, hundreds of millions getting shafted to uselessly enrich a few at the top of the pyramid. We who now recognise this have a moral imperative to warn everybody and anybody who will listen just how fucked up and insidious the current evil system of power, war-mongering, never-ending debt and impoverishment due to centralised fiat money institutions, e.g. debt notes issued by the Federal Reserve.
If bitcoin is a possible tip of the spear to slaying the beast that has a strangle-hold on the economic freedom of humanity, we will use it. Wars are never pretty but no make no mistake this is what you are involved in ... got balls?
Attempts to label bitcoin supporters a cult is just lazy sloganeering revealing an ignorance of history of money and war cycles. Cults don't upend whole technological, financial and monetary orders.