Hold onto your hats fellers!
yep. even the biggest trollbears like this one spotted nearby with his beartroll suit on is being shortsqueezed in the beartroll battles:
the beartroll who who has lots of other smaller beartrolls around him is working on getting all the mexicans (illegal immigrants) money into the banks before doing the negative interests rates. those who do not surrender to the bitcoin trust (because we no longer trust in god for the federal reserve to print more money) and frantically rush in all out panic to the new coinbase exchange will be crushed by the coming "day of the block of cheeseheads" bank bail-ins.
the usgs working to evaluate and rank these beartrolls: https://twitter.com/USGS/status/555087405451988992
if we do not break 260 then the 'chinese panic' will likely have to be postponed until after the #deflategate bowl this weekend....