No, it's crash/bounce, dip, short squeeze and second bounce. We are currently at the dip phase.
So basically we're probably looking at a double bottom. I can live with that
Not a true double bottom because there will be less volume than the long squeeze to $166. There's not enough coins on the exchange to make it higher volume than that. When the margin longs got liquidated, all those coins went to the Four Punch Raiders and they will not get squeezed because they are not operating with leverage. They have enough fiat and coins to bleed us without taking the risk. That's why after the short squeeze there will be a bounce and then another crash.
I'm getting out after the short squeeze. I'm gonna use the money to generate a second source of income so I can just keep buying a little at a time until this nightmare is over. Prolly after the Chinese give us back every single last coin or some third world shit currency becomes even less attractive than BTC and we get another Cypress type event.