If you still can post tomorrow this time, the moderators are not doing their job btw.
Can you even believe what a huge faget u r?
stfu noob
Nah. The rest of that idiot's threads are selfmoderated, and he simply deletes anyone not actively teabagging him.
- Both are now banned from the thread. Any further posting will result in application to be banned from the forum. (I have about 85% hit rate in these so try your luck at your own risk.)
Gosh this makes replying
difficult Hopefully this is the right place to do it?
So listen listen listen, am I banned from this thread too, or just that one? Just wanna be extra careful, 'coz u seem like a srsly important, well-connected dude; clearly not 2b fucked with! Eagerly awaiting your reply
...I am not writing a qur'an here. My words have a context, without which it's hard to understand and childish to criticize.
Perhaps you could remind me of the context for "rpietila Calling the Bottom" on August 15th? Or your predictions that we'll see $300k USD coin by last Christmas?
Re. "not writing a qur'an": But like arcane spiritual texts, your typings are totally open to interpretation, inaccessible to infidels, and not subject to laws of logic & math?
Perhaps he could or perhaps you could figure stuff out for yourself. Everything is open to interpretation.
I think you are in the wrong place. This is a place where we discuss things that *might* happen, whereas you clearly know exactly what *will* happen. So obviously you know to sell all your BTC right now if you have any, put your money in the bank, and never come back.
>Everything is open to interpretation
Lol no, that's just stupid. $300,000 = $250 ain't open to interpretation. It's wrong. That much should be clear even to a learned pataphysician like yourself.
>This is a place where we discuss things that *might* happen
Wouldn't put using the royal "we" past most of the lulzy buffoons in this thread, but I'll guess is you're, once again, butting in & speaking for rpietila.
I assure you, there is no implicit "might" in the shit he writes. Much pretense, pomposity & even copious lulz--sure. But "might"? Never!
Just unabashed Bitcoin pimping, interrupted only by humble, self-abasing asides like "I am writing this from a castle that I bought with money earned by trading Bitcoin based on the very premise I have explained to you here."
Now don't that make you chuckle at least a teeny bit? Especially when the "castle" in question is a slated-for-demolition derelict ex-mental hospital, located smack-dab in the middle of Boondockstan, Nowhere?