Every average person is capable of securing a large amount of bitcoin using a Trezor, if he's not, too bad for him. His assumption makes no sense, even your own answer refutes that. If the average person doesn't give a shit about bitcoin, it's likely they haven't tried securing some. So how can you tell they are incapable? Just because he is?
If someone has never tried something, how could they possibly know how to do it? If somebody has never played golf, for example, would you find a need to speculate on whether or not they can hit birdies?
I'm not going around telling people that my neighbour can't play golf, just because I can't, either.
I mean personally I took "plumber" as more "Joe the Plumber" and less "guy who cleans shit from your toilet." Joe Schmoe, John Q. Public, just a quick throwaway to make his point. "How can I ask someone who isn't exposed to this stuff all the time to try to secure it."
Now, do I know for sure what he meant? No, I'm not a mind reader, and neither are you. For all we know, maybe he fucking hates plumbers and wants to see them all die, and thinks they're the lowest form of life on earth. All I'm saying is you cannot tell any of that -- or any of what you are accusing him of -- simply from what he said.
I am curious why you feel the need to pick this battle, though. Of all the things to address on what he said, this is the fight you choose? Do you come from a line of genius plumbers and take personal offense to this or something?
I've got a problem with his general attitude of being "superior", meanwhile he's incapable of securing some bitcoins, therefore his neighbour who's not an IT guy, must be to.
When he sees a picture of a girl way out of his league, it's automatically a whore... and so on and so on.
First guy that replies back, is called a pig. Point made, I rest my case.
Fonzie, you dumb goofy PIG! Just because i said about a cameltoe exposing favela whore that she's worth satoshis that doesn't mean that i'm generalizing towards all women. Why are you putting words in my mouth ?
Superiority ? Did you even read my original comment or you just took chunks out of it and created an opinion ? I just exposed some of the problems that the "Average Joe" is prone to encounter and even myself, as an IT guy.
If you think that "Joe the Plumber" will start his first Bitcoin experience with Trezor, then you are fucking delusional. Not to mention that Trezor still doesn't answer to my other concerns that i've wrote in the first comment.
Also, till Joe will even know that Trezor exists, he will get through - learning how to use a bank account - online exchange registration process (risk of having info stolen by exploits, keyloggers, malware etc) - Buying Bitcoin (exchange going offline and running with the money, keyloggers, exploits etc) - Sending Bitcoins to his cold pc wallet (risk of hdd crash, viruses, keyloggers, data loss on TRIM SSD, theft, flood, earthquake, you name it). Do you want me to continue ?
How many of us started with Trezor after the first hours of knowing about BTC and purchasing it ? Huh ? Just because it's a normal process to you know this doesn't mean that it's as easy for the rest of the world.
By your logic, it's safer to just going back using sea shells.
PS: I might be a dumb goofy PIG, but you're definately one stupid IT guy, if you personally are concerned about exploits, keyloggers, malware, etc... Well you're just not very good at your job then.