1.2 a year is more than good enough.
2003 gold was 400 it is now 1800. if it had done 1.2 a year we would be at 15,335
at 1.2 a year BTC in 20 years.
16.70 jan 2023
20.04 jan 2024
24.048 jan 2025
28.8576 jan 2026
34.62912 jan 2027
41.554944 jan 2028
49.8659328 jan 2029
59.83911936. jan 2030
71.806943232>>> jan 2031
86.1683318784>>> Jan 2032
103.40199825408>> jan 2033. ten years time
640k in 20 years time if it does 1.2%
Even though those numbers seem bearish, they are kind of the way that I like to consider my investments too.. .. so the more conservative would be 6% per year (which yeah is 106% per year).. yet I do also think that we can get away with something like 10% to 12% if we use the 200-week moving average, and reality will likely out perform that... Reality is likely to outperform your 1.2x per year too.. but it does not hurt to be conservative when it comes to assessing the likely future value of your wealth (investment portfolio).. ..
Yet when it comes to bitcoin, I don't see any reason to be rejiggering it every year, so even if there was a relatively conservative investment scenario when I got into bitcoin in 2013, so if my then investment portfolio was $100k, and so maybe I might have decided to invest up to 10% into bitcoin but then I got carried away and got up to something like 13% or 14% into bitcoin, and maybe I did not even do very well, and so I ended up ONLY getting 13.5 BTC out of the whole deal at an average cost of $1k per BTC... .So my regular investment portfolio might have gone up around 80% to 90% in the last 9 years, and if we want to be generous, then maybe we could say that it doubled and went from $100k to $200k.. yet how much is 13.5 BTC worth right now? Right around $318,600 (using a BTC price of $23,600).. which would mean that my total investment portfolio might be worth around $518,600, and thus 61.5% of my investment portfolio is in BTC.. I am not necessarily fucking around with it... but allowing it to grow and attempting to be prudent about it and not drawing from the profitable portions of my overall holdings.. which has been the BTC portion of my holdings.
There are ways that BTC can be very powerful, even if we fuck up in a variety of ways, as long as we are mostly aiming towards holding and/or building our BTC and perhaps when we get to a certain point we strive that our bitcoin stash does not shrink below certain portions - even though by its own price appreciation, relative to the rest of our investments, it seems to have had been growing way better than our other investments... and even though there are no guarantees, there still seems to be fairly strong investment thesis in regards to bitcoin to suggest that bitcoin is quite likely to continue to outperform our various other investments, even if we might ONLY assign it relatively low future value approximations.. ...and sure we can project out a variety of scenarios in which some of them are more bearish and conservative, such as 6%, 12% or 20% per year or maybe some others might be more medium optimistic such as 1.5x to 4x per year.. and maybe others might even be more optimistic, such as 100x in one or two years and not really knowing if or whether such a blow off top BTC price performance might come, even though we have seen such BTC price performance happenings historically and there is nothing really ruling them out, except just attempting to NOT be overly optimistic.. while still realizing that we can ot be overrealistic but still prepared for such upside possibilities that "could" end up happening.. which includes our taking whimpy actions in which we sabotage our lil selfies from benefiting from upside BTC scenarios because we invest in crap that we know is likely to lose value.. such as the dollar and maybe even several other dollar dependent investments.
Why switch?
Weren't you a 2x per year kind of a guy?
I'm pro-reality kind of guy.
Who cannot be "for" that?
1.2 a year is more than good enough.
2003 gold was 400 it is now 1800. if it had done 1.2 a year we would be at 15,335
at 1.2 a year BTC in 20 years.
16.70 jan 2023
20.04 jan 2024
24.048 jan 2025
28.8576 jan 2026
34.62912 jan 2027
41.554944 jan 2028
49.8659328 jan 2029
59.83911936. jan 2030
71.806943232>>> jan 2031
86.1683318784>>> Jan 2032
103.40199825408>> jan 2033. ten years time
640k in 20 years time if it does 1.2%
gaaawd... philipma1957 get a grip... you are taking it way too far with you bearishness...
with this growth rate we won't even get another ATH in 10 years, when adjusted for inflation.
Which goes to show that Philip's scenario is not really very likely.. even though it can be used as a kind of "worser case" scenario.. not as if it were a "likely scenario."... some people invest into bitcoin as if it were the base case and think of no other scenario.. and then fail/refuse to prepare for other possible more bullish scenarios.. and sometimes might even get attracted to some other "competing" investment, if such a "competing investment" thing actual does exist.