You realize that there is a fantastic get-rich opportunity there? Those lizard-shaped pasta dumplings -- can be fried or served in soup, like wontons, or al sugo like ravioli...
Made from ground lizard flour?
I have no problem with lizards. They eat insects and I hate those.
Buy walls on OKCoin -> shortbuybacks?
Insects are the food of the future, world predictions are we will outnumber the supply and environment in being able to support our current diet.
Insects are the key to our survival. Oh and bitcoin,
That prediction assumes that people will tolerate those conditions and each others in that situation. I don't think so. My predictions are quiet different: more bloodshed than commonly accepted overall poverty.
My family have farming lands and a forests. I will probably have all the grains and vegetables, forest animals and mushrooms I wish to eat (like a roasted bunny with some home baked whole-oat-bread and home made wine...).
Though I still think I need as many Bitcoins as I can grab, just in case.