Yeah, crazy runs in that family.
crazy to repatriate gold? lmao lampchop i know you are a troll but you cant possibly question what would be the common sens in such financially troubled times... especially when the rest of the world is doing so. US first.
I don't question the sanity of the Le Pen clan, I'm straight-up telling you they're sick fucks. The father, the daughter, and the National Front. Unholy frickin' trinity.
meh thats regular mainstream FUD. you can question their sanity all you want but apparently they are the ones calling for gold rapatriement whilst all the other politics in france are awkwardly silent about it..
funny when all france neighbors do so as well: switzerland, germany, dutchland..
Where can I find this so called "dutchland"? Perhaps you mean the Netherlands?
yea whatever. dutch holland netherland ^^
Hmm, quite different things, but OK.