I realise he is a bit of a dinosaur, especially when it comes to BTC vs gold, but I am enjoying listening to Peter Schiff's massively increased bloated government attacks over the last year.
He pointed out that 40-50-60 years ago it was quite easy for most men to go out, get a decent job and feed a family of 6, no credit card, small mortgage (if that), no food bank. Now even with two incomes, after going to university and leaving with student debt many people are struggling or have a bloated mortgage or a bloated credit card debt. In worse case it's all four and still need a food bank.
What exactly changed? And why are we letting those fuckers (politicians and media who pulled the wool over our eyes during all recent crises) get away with it?!
Cost of living crisis: Larger families warned they could be in 'real trouble'https://uk.yahoo.com/news/cost-of-living-crisis-larger-families-warned-they-could-be-in-real-trouble-173056565.htmlUS:
Supposedly the most affluent countries (and those apparently with supposedly the best health care systems) are the worst when it comes to debt vs income ratio. Truly bizarre:
The media and government seem to be colluding in wanting smaller families, or in worse case scenario destroy the family unit and prefer to import boat or border crossing people. They were quite happy to arrest granny for sitting on her own on a park bench for not wearing a mask during the extremely dangerous CoViD but SBF can be a billionaire scamming criminal cunt of epic proportions and still happily go back home to jerk off to pornhub for the rest of his life, minimal questions asked.
"Hey you farmer a-hole, stop your disgusting practice that is helping to feed everyone, we prefer to house those who come from thousands of miles away, get lost."
Truly astonishing.
People changed.
I spent a lot of time with my grandparents on my fathers side when I was young, he was born in 1900 and his wife in 1903.
When they got merried in the 30s they bought a small one room apartment in a house that was brand new and top modern, it had a WC (indoor plumbing) when most houses still had outhouses, it had running cold water when some houses still had a well in the yard, they had a bathtub (with hot running water) in the celler that they could use in rota with the other tennants when others had to go to the bathouse, they had a washing machine in the basement that they could use in rota with the other tennants, when others had to go to a cleaner or laundromat. It had a kitchen with a gas stove and central heating. This was state of the art when it was built. the one room had a niche for a bed with drapes for the kids, the rest of the room was rearanged every evening so they could fold out the bed that was a couch during daytime. The furniture was bought new, but it wasn't much, the aforementioned sofa/bed, a small dinnertable, four chairs to that, lamps, a kitchen table and chairs and some kocking appliances. They lived in that apartment for their whole lifes with the same furniture. He died in 1971 and she died three years later. He worked his whole life and actually got a hart attack at 71 at work, where he had kept working as a consultant, as we would call it today after his pension at 65, he was an electrician and foreman at Sydkraft, the leading electric compant in southern Sweden at the time. Electrician in the early 1900s was a cool job, like IT guys in the late 1900s, and he had a decent pay. his wife was a stay at home wife, she made all the meals from schratch, she mended all the clothes and socks until they were unmendeble, she would then turn them in to cleaning or polishing rags, she would save the ends of bread loafs and make breadcrumbs of them, and so on. they raised two kids, and in the aerly 60s they had saved enough money to buy a Ford Anglia and a plot of land in Stenskogen, on that plot he built a summerhouse together with his two sons and his wife, including felling all the trees, it was a forest plot. they later upgraded to a SAAB V4 and installed electricity in the summerhouse, he did that himself of course, being an electrician. They also along the way bought a radio gramophone and later a TV. They never ate out except on special occasions and buying a cup of coffe on the go was unthinkeble, (and not available).
You get the picture, if people in their 20s and 30s today would live that way I'm sure they wouldn't have any problems getting by.
Edit: he was also a bit of a snob, allways had nice clothes and was seen at clubs dancing jitterbug in his youth, and so was my granny. He was also a member of the Druid order.