Surely one of the qualities of an NFT is that it is not fungible. Therefore, there is only one of its kind. So if this individual going by the name of "CryptoNovo" has had two "CryptoPunks" stolen and then apparently immediately sold onwards, surely the current owner is now in receipt of clearly stolen goods (since they are non-fungible)? Wouldn't the logical conclusion be that they therefore have no resale value and are therefore worth nothing? Much like the Mona Lisa being stolen - who would buy it when it's clearly been stolen?
I just don't get it. In fact, I just don't get NFT 'art' (if it can be called that) at all, but that's another point altogether. You could just do a screenshot of it, if you wanted it that badly, and pretend it was 'original....I dunno.
Just a scam, like so many things these days.
Oh I know, I'll make a shitty drink, call it shitface and get it pumped to the heavens by a shit "celebrity", you "need this in your life". Another scam.
POV: Logan Paul Steals Your Wallet
pretty funny