it is sad how most Americans have no clue about what is really going around the world, and still think that USA is the greatest country in the world and the land of "freedom", when most of their follow citizen still struggles and cant get the basics of a free education and health care.
Free education? How do the teachers feed and house themselves?
The students don't have to pay all their lives for loans, their education comes from already paid taxes which goes to pay teachers and expenses of college... I for once paid annually 20€ for registration fee in college and another 40€ for my dorm room, then there is the student coupons (supported price from the government ) to use in restaurants.
If I pay my tax they better use it to make my life and the life of my children better, most EU and north African countries have this system, but in the US they instead spend tax money exporting "democracy" and "freedom" around the world, billions of dollars spent on war while millions of Americans struggle in poverty and losing the basic human rights, things that even central Africans are improving at.
You don't know squat about the 'poor' in America.
I grew up dirt-poor, as we say on the south. My father was an uneducated, unskilled worker in a cotton mill, and my mother was a full-time mother to 7 kids. We never went hungry or without clothes because my father was both frugal enough and industrious enough to make sure we always had what we needed - without ANY government assistance - even though plenty of that was available to those who would take it.
In America, there is always someone who will pay you to do useful work, and my father took advantage of that fact to supplement his income. On the weekends, he would grab me and/or one of my brothers and we would go do house painting or general handyman work, yard work, or whatever we could to make a little money. We also did plenty of hunting and fishing to supplement the food budget.
When I left high school, my family didn't have the money to send me to college. I went to work in the same cotton mill where my father (and his father) had worked and EARNED the money to send myself to college. My siblings did exactly the same. One sister is a veterinarian, one is a nurse, I'm an engineer, one brother owns a construction company now, another is a CS geek - well you get the picture... All of us achieved what we have without the handouts you seem to believe are REQUIRED to escape 'poverty', and I never owed ANYBODY any student loans - because I went to college BEFORE government interference in the education market drove the prices through the roof.
The only people in America I have ever seen "struggling in poverty" were doing so because they chose to depend on the government to support them.
People like you would voluntarily make yourselves into livestock owned by your 'government'. Well, have fun with that.
I agree that the US government spends what to much money on imperialistic endeavors, but that is another argument for another time...
There is NOTHING wrong with working hard to get ahead, and it is laudable in many ways. However, your suggestion that we do NOT need government seems to be an oversimplification of social structures.
Additionally, you seem to imply that various government assistance had made people too lazy and unwiling to work and those bad incentives are responsible for the devolving infrastructure in America, and I think that you are personally missing the big picture manipulation that goes on by a lot of wealthy people to undermine government and to undermine various governmental services in order that poor people do NOT benefit and that they can run away with more of the pie (or at least prevent regular people from getting any of it).
Wealth disparity in this country has devolved to tragic lows b/c of lack of strength of government and lack of ability or willingness to keep some of the wealthy decision makers and movers in their place.. whether it is job creation or export of jobs or other ways that they leach off of the public infrastructure to run away with and to steal wealth from the public sphere... that has worsened in the last 30 years or so.... and little by little eroded the whole social fabric of the country... with stupid ass ideas that the only value is rugged individualism and lack of government as the solution to all social ills...