I hear some chick called Gabby is coming to town in 5 or 6 days.. and apparently she likes to party, minted too from what I hear...
.... there is talk of a $200 million "six month" bender to warm up.... (not "that much" in the grand scheme of things I know.. but still some added buying pressure,
if they bought the same amount every month
at the current price that would work out at 400,000 coins in total, and 66,666 coins per month - and there are around 108,000 mined a month and they are just one buyer) I realise that they are more likely not going to, or necessarily be able to buy the same amount of coins each month for the same price.. unless they are rather smart about it, and I also realise that sellers will supply some of those coins , as opposed to freshly mined coins... however as I said... it will increase buying pressure snapping up some coins (for now) for a while.... and it is just one playya.
Creating a bitcoin fund is a way to sell a large stash of bitcoin without immediately depressing the price, and without making it seem that the holders have lost faith. GABI will probably buy the coins initially OTC from the GABI creators. It may even remove buying pressure from the markets, if some people who would have bought raw bitcoins will choose to buy GABI shares instead.
I wonder if GABI will have a lock-in period, like SMBIT (i.e. the client can liquidate only after N months).