Price is much more stable today. Me and my fellow decentral bankers have done our job! Only idiots put in market orders when the price is stable. Save that shit for chopping off the tops and bottoms.
WELCOME BACK!!!!.... Talking your book... yes, we know that you shorted, and you want the price to go down... good luck with that.
It's working out so far. Got ~40% of my trading stack back and I'm still sitting on a pile of cash just waiting for cheaper coinz.
Well hopefully you are gaining back some of your trading stack and NOT just making things up!!!!!
To me, it seems fairly risky to be trading, unless you happen to be a whale... and really talking your book can be quite irritating, even though quite a few posters do some variation of such.... in order to get people to follow their lead.
I am thinking that we may see $480 or $490 in the next 12 hours... but sometimes those kinds of prices only last a short period, and I am NOT really set up for automatic buys, since I continue to buy my BTC through Coinbase....
NOW, I recall that you were a little bit amorphous about revealing some details of your trading stash... but I believe that your trading stash represented less than 10% of your total BTC stash? Or have you changed your parameters?
Also, I believe you had said that your average cost per BTC was in the less than $40 per BTC arena.. Is that still true, or have those calculations changed?
And another question is whether you trade with leverage or NOT... on the terms of the exchanges... I suppose that is where there remains greater possibilities in shorting, if you can do it correctly. I get the sense that you do trade with leverage, and possibly you would NOT need to engage in that practice if you have a decent stash of your own coins. The leverage game is stacked in favor of the house; however, if you are dealing with your own stash of cheap coins, then you could be in a fairly decent position to increase your BTC, also....
For me, personally, I would only feel comfortable trading on the very large swings in BTC prices, and currently, I consider anything below $700 or $800 to be well below the BTC price trendline (which has been true for more than 6 months), so I am way too nervous to sell... on the other hand, I may become a little more comfortable to sell some, if the price goes up... and even better if it goes above the trendline and even better if I experience at least one BTC bubble during my BTC investment experiences (been in the game for almost 9 months, and NO baby yet... to take from Risto... fuck!!!!!!.. ) ... anyhow: probably I would be trading with well less than 10% of my stash, unless I feel pretty certain about a downward correction in price or if some other market conditions were to exist.