Yup. I think we know this isn't the real deal this time. BUT, those shorting might get squeezed anyways on the volatility... and, if they get squeezed hard enough, what shouldn't have been the rally becomes the rally. So... the plot thickens. Dangerous market right now.
TL;DR - Either the shorts know something that we don't know, or they are absolutely stupid as fuck.
This is what I think. I delivered a little bit during the last mini-dip, though. I was flying a little too close to the sun. Thank God I am not playing with any sizeable amounts of money... I'd be living in a cardboard box by now. Bahahaha. Learning a lot, though. This has been an interesting if arduous experience.
If you make money just because you're lucky (gonna lose sooner or later if that's the reason you are winning) but don't learn anything what's the point?
You have all the time in the world to become good at trading now for when BTC will go nuts eventually eheh
Be careful with leverage though, always put tight stop losses so you're safe!