Final capitulations are the sweetest buying opportunities. You would probably never have heard of me, unless I happened to analyze the fundamentals and charts for month, before buying in at the final capitulation of 2011.
The more ppl speak like you (and the less they speak like me
) the better, because that much closer to the bottom we are.
But real tough guys can make the decision without sentiment analysis as well as with it. I hardly knew about the forums back then, even my account is from 2012.
It is the new money that will raise the price to new levels. They are still waiting. What can you do but wait? Next room to me now, there is a guy who takes jacuzzi every day and smokes cigars. He held through the bubble, and the fall, and the capitulation (of 2011) and ever since. His friends sold out in the downtrend and said they will come back if/when the tide turns. They never did. They are probably working now.
Bitcoin does not care if you make money or not. Also I don't care. I know there are enough people in the world who understand reasonable speech, and gravitate into Bitcoin in waves. And if bitcoin is foiled, now we have Monero, so there is a
real backup, vainly sought after for 2-3 years.
The waiters came to ask what I want for breakfast, and roasted liver with red wine sounded like nice. Thank you for listening.
I like what you did there, pouring oil on fire
I beg to disagree
Casually dropping some info about your at-noon breakfast of roasted liver with wine, in the middle of a capitulation that'll cost quite a few investors dearly, is the real oil-on-fire. Which is why I got the Marie Antoinette association.
Yep.. I noticed that too... Risto can be a little bit pompously irritating from time to time - even if he may be dropping some otherwise decent data and/or historical perspective.
I think Risto's point is that we can all "eat cake" too is we just hold and don't panic (or buy during this great opportunities to do so if possible).
Maybe I am strange but I find his words quite comforting. To be able to drink a glass of wine with no worries to what Bitcoin is doing at the present impressive, especially when it is so easy to get emotional about it. But I am admittedly a huge fan of Risto. Of all the people on the thread he has been the most helpful to me, and generous too.
There is NOTHING wrong with being appreciative of the contributions of Risto or anyone else for that matter, and I get your point that he may have NOT meant to be pompous in his presentation of that situation.
NONETHELESS, he does have some flaws... especially in the hooty-tooty tone arena... from time to time...
Having said all that, I appreciate his contributions, too.... but I also think that it helps for the survival of bitcoin to have people like Risto (who have profited in the past from BTC) to invest back in to BTC in order to help build a better and stronger BTC infrastructure in order that newcomers can become acquainted and comfortable with BTC space.
If and when we have castles of our own how will people react to us? Will they think we are pompous jerks just because of that alone? I think sometimes just being wealthy, successful, or in a different situation in life is enough to cause envy and see things that are not necessarily there, or can be construed to be that way.
For example, I live in a pretty wealthy area in California, but would still be considered "middle class." I find that those that are wealthy are often considered "pompous" just because they have nice houses and cars. Some even consider my husband and I "rich" and although it seems totally ridiculous to us, think we are "snobby" because of where we live. Of course we know in our neighborhood we are just average. But I have learned that we see others through our own lens of our experiences and we need to step back and consider where the other person is coming from.
That said, I don't think Risto is ever really trying to be pompous. He may have a little fun with the successes he has had and post a comment here and there about it, but I think his heart is one that wants to encourage us not to "throw in the towel" so to speak and hold on or buy more coins and try to see the big picture. He has been in this a bit longer than many of us have and has reaped the rewards that could well be ours too if we just show a little patience and self-control.
Your comment seems to imply that I am (or others) are motivated to hate on Risto b/c of his wealth. I could give a flying rats ass about his wealth... I just have a problem with flaunting or outward attempts to lord over these kinds of things.
On the other hand, sometimes material possessions, enjoyment of life or investment prowess may be a topic of discussion or somehow relevant to the topic at hand, and in those cases, it may be good to illustrate with personal examples regarding wealth accumulation or investment choices or consumption decisions.
So, it could be possible that you are misreading my articulation of my perceptions regarding the sometimes flaunting inclinations of Risto......