The language may be a failed attempt to be funny but the opinion is quite serious. What we saw since May/20 was a sudden rise from ~440$ to ~640 that no one can (or wants to) explain, then seven weeks of wandering around 600$, then a sudden drop back to ~470, that no one can (or wants to) explain either. Why is it absurd to consider all that as a single event?
I have proposed a partial explanation: starting May/20, a few people got wind of something that made them buy all they could. Now those people changed their minds, and dumped everything back. So the price got back to where it was. Is this so much sillier than the narwhals(*) that people have been discussing here?
(*) a large sea mammal reputed to be a cross between a whale and a unicorn.
We have been through this before... lots of people have explained or expressed their opinion that you are wrong in your assertion/theory/guess, and you just do not seem to listen, anyway I am taking a rain check on another slow dance.