I'm so damn tired of these dumpers and these people putting up ask walls the minute we're about to go up.
It's like they do everything they can to make sure the price doesn't go above 600.
Sooooo tired of it.
this is what is happening .. and if you are a bull you should be happy about it.
put walls on important points fibs or psychological round numbers.. or at tops .. like 680 was a a good point.. since market was rallied out..
others will put asks infront of you.. and with price going down .. others will add asksk..
this way ppl who want to buy in "cheap" (anything below 600 is cheap).. can..
because we gonne test ath anyways.. so doubling investment is as good as sure.
now big players are slowly buying in. with as good as no slippage..
once the market is ready to go up .. and it will at some point..
suddenly you'll be looking at thin ask side on orderbook and only nice ask sharkwalls in higher prices.. which attract them buyers.. the sharkwalls are the whales slowly selling up ... they gonne push up as hard they can so they can keep on selling higher and higher..
it's all about waiting, and waiting and waiting.. and don't lose coins trying to trade..
at this point.. i only buy new coins.. dont care much about the price.. aslong it's below 600.