Notice how western media are now quite happy to report on Chinese anti Covid protests whilst it completely ignored those in our own countries and colluded with the governments to make people afraid of a flu virus that almost everyone who got it survived.
And now YOU have to be poor to pay for the measures taken during the Covid hysteria whilst the elite got even richer in the process with billions laundered.
The issue is West thinks that there problems are worlds problem and not other way around. Anything bad in China, North Korea is highlighted but not much importance is given to mass shooting that take place in usa every month or so. Dual standards
The west have become a bunch of arrogant cunts and I'm ashamed to be living in a country ruled by these fucking imbeciles.
Latest thing in the UK: The national grid will probably pay you to use less energy this winter as apparently we don't have the ability to import enough from France.
Also: Jeremy Cunt (our finance minister) asking us all to use 15% less energy to show Putin who's boss. As if Putin's gives a damn about your granny boiling her kettle a few more times per day or not.
Historical energy mix.
We are already using 12% less on this day compared to last year presumably due to enormous cost of energy.
Notice also energy use has declined constantly anyway whilst cunt politicians want import more and more people (500K per year in the UK).
Fucking retards the lot of them.