DISCLAIMER: off topic quality content
As an off-topic alternative to the mostly weird contributions of our WO's black family sheep, namely misled
friend eXPHorizon, i decided to repeat IC 1805, the heart nebula.
This time i took more care that the focus is good after locking the focuser, collect twice as much data at a higher ssensitivity, the results came out decent, while there is some haze by higher clouds in the picture, precursing a cloudy rest of the night and rainy morning.
However, for the ones who like it:
On topic: Bitcoin price feels like bottom
to me (again), so it almost certainly will go down, when you match the history of my callenings (hopeingns).
Whatever, i #hodl and King Daddy (RIP) still doesn't care shit
EDIT: Image is flipped, sorry
EDIT2: Managed to get a used, dedicated astrophotography camera in very good condition at 2/3 of the pricce, at a fifth of its average lifetime. Looking forward to moar beautiful results in the next weeks, when the winter nights will be cold enough for crystal clear skies, too.
Just think about all the fun that you are having right now in your youth by spending all your BTC on camera equipment.
It will be worth it in your old age, when you are having to eat cat food and sleep in cardboard boxes because you spent most if not all of your BTC to deliver us original quality
upside down heart nebula shots... and at least you enjoy it, right? right?
.... the epic bull run that will come in 2024 & 2025.
Now the saying is 24/25 ??..
God gives us health and a long life to live that..
(not in my mood these days/months.. some numbers are hard to digest)
Always has been.
2024 halvening & then a big, powerful bull run in 2025. Just like previous cycles!
2023 will suck!
Bitcoin's cycle of 4 years is one of the few (probably the only) Bitcoin parameter that can be used to predict future price action with some degree of success. The White Paper explains it nicely, it is a mathematical fact. Using it smartly can result in immense monetary gains (rinse-and-repeat, LFC_Bitcoin knows!). Yet, people keep ignoring it and doing their own thing (mindrustenings, daytardening, etc.). I guess it's like the elections... 4 years is just too long for the average brain to process...
mmh one might think that the impact of the reduced (halving) coins vs the existing coins should get smaller with every cycle...
Furthermore, none of us really know shit.. We are largely using the four-year cycle as a kind of ballparking probability set - which largely would ONLY justify a doubling of the price based on the new supply constrictions every four years - except there are a variety of complications that exist to both the front loading effect of the supply which causes a decent amount of early issuance of the stock versus the flow of the new supply.. another complication is the nature of the exponential s-curve adoption that has to do with how fast various network effects grow inside of a newly adopted paradigmn shifting asset class (yes, we never had such a thing in existence ever before, even though we might attempt to draw analogue lines with gold and the internet and maybe combining the two or some other analogues that do not exactly help us to figure out the matter), and we also have human behavior in terms of how much of a battle are status quo incumbents willing to make to keep the price down like the ball under water analogy or even the greed and inefficiencies of the preexisting debt systems that can contribute towards overshooting disasters on the way down and upwards explosions outside of other attempts at manipulating in either price direction... and are the effects of shitcoins exactly factored in?
I doubt that the formula is very straight forward, even though if we attempt to weigh all the bullshit offset by the good and the power of our lil precious, we still should be able to ballparkedly estimate that the likelihood of up is greater than the likelihood of down whether or not it exactly fits within the 4 year pattern or not.
I am not going to proclaim to know shit - except that I still believe that the odds for up are pretty decent... and perhaps even the best investment that has ever been given to man on a wide-spread basis, even if a lot of men
(meant as a generic) still do not have much of any clue about the asymmetric opportunity in front of them... perhaps 1% of the population kind of has a clue.. but are still likely undercoined, relatively speaking, during what is likely continuing to serve as the largest peaceful redistribution of wealth in history, even if it can be quite difficult to recognize and appreciate the direction and/or the quantity of the wealth redistribution while we are in the midst of it.