You'll get used to the feeling of confusion, I'm sure.
Hope you'll stick around when we're back to 1200 and beyond, will be interesting to see the rationalizations you'll come up with.
I find it amazing how people can put their money into something,
without knowing where the profit will be coming from -- and without wanting to know.
in other words,
I find it amazing how people can put their money into
food, without knowing where the profit will be coming from -- and without wanting to know.
Jorge I think your statement illuminates your bias.
While I 100% agree with your concern about where the profit comes from, answering this and you have the key to success*, a motive that is largely missing in our economy today. Lack of understanding where the profit comes from is my biggest criticism, of those like
Profesor Bitcoin who advise people to sell now because the market is over exuberant, without actually thinking of the macroeconomic implication of where those profits come from, those who can see this sell high and buy low however they shepherd the sheep for profit, ironically they are still the acute minority.
I think someone advised you to enhance your understanding in overreaching economic schools of thought, and I'd second that. (Taking the liberty in marking your posts I'd give you a D+ in Classical and Keynesian ideas and E- in Austrian, Monetarism, Marxism ideologies.)
One prominent economic theorist came up with a rather obvious observation,
The Subjective Theory of Value. This is the reason many smart and thinking people buy Bitcoin (they are the shepherds), there is another theory, the
greater fool, this is why lots of other people buy Bitcoin (I respect you attempts to discourage the greater fool's form getting involved and your fear of being a greater fools, but let evolution deal with them) the others 68+% are sheeple and buy Bitcoin for combinations of reasons but fall victim to the
Fear of missing out, also leading to many of the feedback looks in the cycle and rewording the greater fools.
Not everyone shares your narrative, looking for references to reinforce your overwhelming idea that we are all greater fools.
Nor does every one share my narrative, looking for references that everyone is stupid, in fact it's my very shortcoming that lead me to so virulently try to understand why anyone at all would even spend $1 to buy a bitcoin, when I first heard about it, I refused to believe my instincts.
* wealth comes to those who work hard to make use of the different values for mutual benefit.