IF it takes off all over the world.. then the Chinese government, despite their efforts won't be able to stop people.
Just to make my perhaps radical view clear, I would like nothing less than an immediate official ban on Bitcoin in China, so the taking off can happen much quicker. If the Chinese government doesn't double down on its efforts to stamp out Bitcoin in China immediately, then I think we may be in for more teething problems.
I would tend to agree.. and whoever said.. i think that might be their plan.. could also be correct.
It just looks like a continued and ongoing fudge attempt. I'm still long term bull.. in fact more than ever.
I expect all sorts of roadblocks and fireworks along the way.. but make no mistake.. this is happening.
I am convinced that we've already passed the tipping point.. the point of no return. There is just far too much momentum behind this thing.
It won't be stopped. It can't be stopped. The genie is out of the bottle.
Even China.. i think most here would agree.. for all their efforts.. they are only slowing the progress a bit. If it's 1 year..2 years or 5 years.. long term it's not so important.
It's just a delaying tactic to buy time while they scratch their collective heads and try to counter this.. problem is.. they can't and don't know how.
Roadblocks and delaying tactics will only work for so long.
The game has already changed.