apple isnt about to grow 5x
apple pays out about 1% a year in dividends
so it would probably take like 50-90years.
There is no way of estimating how much trade they would get. Why would people trade there rather than at Bitstamp or other exchanges? Why would people trust their dollars and bitcoins to people who have an even more, er, peculiar past than Mark?
The motivations of the Sunlot team could be all or any of (1) get their hands on those 200'000 BTC with no legally binding commitment to returning them to clients; (2) let Mr. Gay-Bouchery and Mr. Karpelès get away, free and rich; (3) make sure that the assets are distributed according to the (bogus?) balances in Mark's database rather than actual deposits minus withdrawals; (5) pre-empt a police investigation that could find the real culprits for the theft; (5) earn points for the afterlife and a boy-scout medal by helping poor MtGOX clients to recoup a little more of their loss than they would through liquidation. Have a guess...
EDIT: as for Apple, I don't know currently, but until some years ago they reinvested most of their profits into factories, shops and such; so stockholders got their returns through the increased value of their shares rather than dividends. Even if the MtGOX2.0 shares are real equity (rather than the "profit-only shares" of Neo&Bee), the company will have negligible assets of its own, so shares are unlikely to grow in value.