And why compare BTC wallets to a fiat banks anyways...
Because I keep my assets in both. And so far, they have both served me well with no issues. Though my bank for a lot longer. Like probably most legends on this thread.
Don't get me wrong. Most big banks piss me off. The one I have dealt with most of my life, however, (a credit union) has never screwed me,
never questioned my bitcoin transactions and saved my neck more than once, but again, that's just me.
..... as there are so many good HW wallets out there.
Ok fine. such as?.. I'm all ears (I notice that green thingy avatar of yours has none, but whatever)
Like that bunny bro. He/she bitches and moans about how everything is fucked up politically to no end, in a country (s)he doesn't even reside in, no less,
but yet never offers an alternative plausible solution.
So don't mind me.... I'm drinking tonight. I might get a little wordy and boisterous...... as I do...
Does that make me gay?
I mean, did you hear, they allowed us to finally marry?
Are you looking to switch teams or something? It's not for everyone, TBH.
IDK bro, I wouldn't want to make Rick jealous......