I know that this is your favorite stuff , about bitcoin "cultist" , but shouldn't a mod know that it has already been posted 10 times in this thread?
Thought it was worth reading once again considering the current climate.
And as time passes and the inevitable fizzle-out of Bitcoin becomes visible, those believers will splinter. More will drop out of the cult. And the ones who remain will only grow more convinced, more zealous, more eager to share the good news.
Remind you of anyone? Should I start posting usernames or just the link to
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=mlist ? =))))))
Although I believe there is a bit of truth behind that article you can't argue that is comes from a person who is against
BTC from the start and it doesn't even care to view the benefits the bitcoin protocol might bring.
The article is onto something (many in here *are* cultists), but in their total dismissal of BTC the author isn't any better either.
It is misleading baloney to suggest "many in here" are cultists... By many do you mean 100? It is also degrading and disingenuous to suggest "many in here" are cultists.
Try to stay objective, okay?
So now it's "degrading" to use the word cultist for, well, cult like behavior? I don't think so. As for the numbers, I don't have hard data, and I cannot have data because what I would call "cultish" is hardly a set-in-stone definition, but to give a few examples:
- Remember the guy who sold his house to invest it all in btc. Zero risk control, just puts all his wealth into one of the riskiest assets on earth. What's the overwhelming response in his thread? "Good on you! You won't regret it!". The dissenting voices are in the minority. That's cultish, in my book.
- The kneejerk reaction to mentioning the /possibility/ of total failure of our little experiment. Please note, the exact likelihood of total failure (as in: price approaching 0) is up for debate, but I'm pretty sure a rational observer will admit that there is a real chance for the (publically traded) price to go back to 0 (or at least, close to it), in case of catastrophic failure of parts of the network (like a major flaw on the encryption side), or some other event that causes an absolute loss of trust in the safety of the network. Try talking about that in here. The responses /should/ be "Okay, that's possible, but unlikely." The responses /are/ actually "No! Absolutely impossible! Logically invalid!". Go back a few pages when TERA suggested offhandedly what a blockchain "reset" would look like, and look at the reactions. That's cultish.
- The sense of "We're in this together, on the way up, and on the way down." It's only human to band together, but the article is spot on when it points out the phrasing of those "public messages" by well known BTC community members, that sound like rallying cries, to keep the troops in line. It's like military esprit de corps, or, well, a cult.
In case this is important to you, I still believe BTC has a real shot at success (where the exact type of success is up for debate). But I completely agree with Blitz: a lot of arguments in here are very clearly not motivated by rational analysis, but by make believe and selective perception. To call it "cultish" is confrontational, but not wrong, in my opinion.