And by support, I mean in the way a 100 year old draw string bridge with 30% of its wood flooring missing acts as support.
Poetic, windy. Gave me visions of an old Tarzan movie. He fell in and had to wrestle a croc. Watch your step.
This market is just DYING for some bad news. It can't even keep itself up in anticipation of it. We are just going to drift lower, bouncing at 2650, 2600, 2555 and going back up each time, until we get some bad news to flush all this out.
Its like a leak in a bucket right now. It reminds me of the Gox situation, where we had like 9 daily red candles in a row, none of them big, just a slow mundane sell off, until finally the big news came.
Ya. I'm pretty pessimistic about our current situation. I know that all trends will eventually reverse (or maybe not), but I think the 1w and 3d trend says about all there is to say right now.
** Pessimism is a state of mind in which one anticipates undesirable outcomes.