Isn't it ironic that the libertarian bitcoiners, champions of laissez-faire capitalism, are betting all their life savings on the hope that the Satoshi Bitcoin will be one day the only cryptocurrency in the market, so that they can charge monopoly prices for it?
I'm not betting it will be the only cruptocurrency, just the most liquid one. Charging monopoly prices would prevent that from being the case. Competition is good.
BJA : It seems to me that you are being too generous to Jorge. Jorge's assertion about early adopters wanting to benefit from a monopoly nature that may exist in bitcoin is so speculative and fanciful that it is barely worthy to be addressed.
First, hardly anyone, except for the truly fanatical are really of the belief that anytime in the near future bitcoin could replace all currencies and payment systems... and very rosey outlooks would put bitcoin replacing 25% of all currencies and payment systems (which would be more than a $25 trillion market cap and $2.5 million per BTC). These kinds of projections seem to be far above and beyond the speculations of even the most bullish of BTC enthusiasts.
Second, bitcoin could achieve some fraction of success, such as taking over less than 5% of all currencies and payment systems to cause early adopters of BTC to be rich beyond their wildest dreams and beliefs (as long as they had hung on to a fraction of their coins). In this kind of fraction of success scenario, 5% of all would put BTC at about a $5trillion market cap and would signify about $500k per BTC. Just holding 2 BTC would put someone as a BTC millionaire with only a fraction of BTC representing currencies and payment systems.
Third, I really question what the fuck difference it makes whether some early bitcoin adopters acquire some wealth. Just seems like some people are acting and whining about being butt hurt by the mere thought of early adopters potentially gaining some wealth, and even if some early adopters are able to hang onto some of their bitcoins and become rich beyond their wildest dreams, we already know that as BTC prices increase, many BTC are already going to be distributed to the already rich (the status quo rich) b/c regular people are genuinely confused, ill informed and ignorant about the value prospects of BTC,
Fourth, even if bitcoin prices were to become somewhat highly priced for regular people, so what, it does NOT matter b/c people can buy into BTC at fractions, and those fractions will continue to grow, so long as the peeps have enough foresight to HODL Dem.... and when they HODL dem for over 20 years, or 40 years or whatever happens to be their savings timeline, then the money that was held in BTC will have appreciated value at a better rate than other asset classes... so even poor people would be able to benefit by the adoption and proliferation of a BTC currency/storage of value system.