strawman. god im so sick of strawmans around here.
why do speculators have to begin and end every sentence with "probably imo" we are specualators, grow up. we are playing a game of probability and Risto knows this better than you.
If you know something about speculation, then you know that there is no certainty in speculation. If someone is trying to pretent certainty, especially in a subject that is extremely uncertain, then that someone is a useless tool.
yeah well what did I just say? your argument is a strawman. you dont like Risto, ok, but keep the argument valid or you look dumb.
No, the argument wasn't invalid. If you are even a little more then stupid, then you won't make predictions that aren't predictable. That will lose you any credibility that you might have. It's like the weather service would make a certain prediction, that at 12:36AM on 23.08.2019, it will start to rain in NYC. Predictions like that will make you look like a joke to those who know better, only to the dim-witted ones it may look like something wonderful.
actually the argument was invalid, alongside this beautiful red herring you have presented to me. Risto is not 100% certain that bitcoin is going to be adopted by the entire world. you set up the argument as a strawman - or where do you get your facts?