Guys, you all are a part of the problem... You think that you're so smart, talking about bulls and bears, and a lot of rubbish.
You need to realize: Bitcoin is going to fall unless there will be more people interested in buying them. And trust me, a person who gets to to get some info, and decide whether to invest or no, and actually starts to read this thread as the most popular one, and dedicated to discussion about the price, etc. and starts to read a zoology treaty will consider all this a big joke.
Do you think if an investor would have some interest in the stock market, on a specific company, and when trying to get more information about his potential investment would start to read all this rubbish, will NEVER invest. Some computer geeks who think they are business men, or who never actually leave their rooms, are being "smart" here... in a business you need to be serious first of all, and bulls and bears have nothing to do with Bitcoins as an investment.
The other problem is that altcoins are falling down. They were the ticket for late investors to adopt Bitcoin. So, there is a very very strong relationship between those and BTC. I always told, the minute altcoins will die, BTC will too. Simply because nobody is going to pay hard cash at this prices for something where the "insiders" are talking about bears and bulls, instead of serious matters in a serious language.
The time for the emergence of Bitcoin and Alts is not here yet. The infrastructure developments and ease of user experience in a secure way don't exist yet to help the price to go to the levels that would sustain the massive demands of a complete economic loop in even the completely developed countries much less the type of countries that have the most to gain from this invention. I am not going to put anymore money into Bitcoin or Alts themselves, only investments into the infrastructure. Anybody here who looks at bitcoin itself as the investment can leave for all its worth, the investment is in the model not the coin. Build it they will come so to speak.