It was us cultists who kept this project alive when it dropped from $32 to $3 and stayed there for a year. The fraction of investors like me who will willingly go down with the ship are the support base that gives BTC what some call "intrinsic" value. Without us, this really would be a Ponzi Scheme. Contributing to positive change in the world is just as important as ROI.
You know what? I give you that. I think it was Rampion who put it as something like "the hardcore (cultists) provide the base value, the traders/speculators add the volatility/spikes".
So, yes, those of you who are willing to go down with the ship, I pay my respect to you...
But this is the fucking speculation subforum. And, as you would expect by the name of it, speculators are not, by and large, interested in going down with the ship. And that's what pisses me off: not that the "cultists" are sitting this bear market out, but that they're shouting down those who discuss how to profit from the market conditions.
This reply deserves an award. GTFO from this thread noble cultists!