Two ways to look at this:
1) Broke Chinese aren't going to buy shit OR
2) with a crashing RMB, BTC could be a better store of value.
Hypothetically, if RMB drops faster than BTC, then BTC is going up, from the PRC perspective -- a bullish situation.
Actually RMB drops excruciatingly slowly, so no "wealth effect" is bandwagon-ing BTCCNY just yet. However, in the longer term it is likely to occur.
The PRC has an interest as a net exporter to maintain a weak currency. It will play hell with the Chinese importers of natural resources, however. We are possibly witnessing a collapse of their shadow banking industry which is leading to a scramble for liquidity. could trigger a BTC sell off.
Longer term, if the ChiComs take a page out of the Bernanke playbook when we had the Lehman Brothers collapse in the U.S., it could lead to the next great bull market as the world engages in yet another round of competitive currency debasement.