Not trying to be a troll or fudster, but come on any one who can see a huge panic coming is in denial. USA today is already posting negitive articles in less than a few hours of story breaking. It took them two years to post something positive. Media will blow this out the water. People will panic. Especially Chinese as thing are easily skewed in translating to Chinese.
You must be new here... Read up on silk road.
Been trading BTC sense 2011. Bought of silk road once or twice. Dont see the correlation. People see a trusted bitcoin site/committee member arrested along with Russia fud. they get scarred. And dump. I believe in bitcoin understand prices will return. My point only is that their is going to be a rapid sell off soon, and I dont see how anyone can think not.
and why do you think we haven't already seen the sell-off? why do you think it takes the market 6+ hours to react to the fud?
It is all the long term hodl BC'rs need to go and get their shovels and dig up their paper wallets from their stash 'oles before they can sell... takes a
long time to dig down 6 ft..