I think this could take ~ 2 weeks to play out. 2 weeks from today is 7th Feb.
I'm finding it hard to be patient and wait til then to see what happens, but i must. Damn nearly bought at 800 last night.
I expect to see it botto out somewhere in the range $500 - $600 but only temporarily. It should recover quickly, so one would have to be fast to catch the bottom - or pick you price and place you orders, and hope for the best.
I've been hearing that for days from several different people. Where do you get this? I'll be buying the whole way down if you're right, but they seem pretty damn cheap right now.
Hpmmm.. just my own observations. Inciddenty, i have been expecting this since the beginning of the year. I think there is money sitting on the sidelines, and people seem to be waiting to see what happens in China on the 31st.
Market seemed to be kept artificially high by trading bots.. keeping it high in order to dump??
These are just some of the indicators i'm going by.
These and a healthy dose of wishful thinknig.
Anway.. looks to be rebounding now. Support at ~$776