Inspirational Buy All the Bitcoins SpeechWe're in hell boys, believe me. Now, we can be greedy and fearful and cash in our bitcoins for fiat, pay our taxes and participate in the up and coming bail-ins.... OR, we can fight our way back, we can buy our way into the light, we can climb out'a hell. I look around and i see newbies everywhere, and i think... I mean... i've made every wrong choice a bitcoiner can make, I fell in every single bears trap in the 20's, I pay 50BTC for mining contracts at 90$. and lately I feel like selling everything.... Newbies talk of bearishness and china being an issue, which reminds me what's at stake here, what we've been fighting for this whole time. and what the bitcoin market really is. the bitcoin market is a promise of freedom and fairness for all.
We are a team poeple, fighting for honest money and freedom from the banksters. Either we heal now as a team, or we will die as individuals. We can get screwed by the system one by one, or, we can unite and screw the system AS A TEAM. On this team, we fight for the bitcoins, On this team we tear ourselves to pieces for the bitcoins! BECAUSE WE KNOW, when we add up all those bitcoins thats gonna make the fuck'n difference, between winning and losing, between getting screwed and screwing them. I'll tell you this, in any fight its the guy that's willing to die thats gonna win, and i know if i'm gonna have any life anymore its because i'm still willing to fight and die for the dream, because that's what living is! The dollars we need are everywhere around us, Now I can't make you do it, you have to look at the guy next to you, look at his avatar, I think you'll see a guy who will fight for the bitcoin dream, because when it comes down to it, he needs it as badly as you do.
Now.... what are you gonna do?!